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English   |   Παρασκευή, 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2025

P.N. Marinos Consulting Ltd

80 Griva Digheni Street Swepco Court No.6, Office No.41

CY-3101, Limassol.

Tel: 25871323 / Fax: 25871823

E-Mail: [email protected]




Marinos N Panayiotides formed his practice in Year 2000. Following his experience in the British and Cypriot Construction Industry, he gained his expertise in the Building and Civil Engineering Sector in terms of Consulting and Contracting. The past experience in two entirely different Construction Industries enables the services offered by the practice be of a wider picture.


The previous experience from both QS Consulting (Turner & Townsend Chartered Quantity Surveyors, ) and Contractor’s QS/ Contract Administrator (AtlasPantou Co. Ltd) helps satisfy clients’ requirements ensuring the best possible level of service.


The philosophy to provide a range of the highest quality professional services to ensure the clients' financial and contractual objectives are achieved and, at the same time, encouraging enhanced awareness of each client’s rights and obligations.


This philosophy has always been followed and is thoroughly supported by those strong relationships formed with distinguished professionals and executives in Local Authorities, Private Sector, Architectural and Engineering Practices, Law Firms, Accountancy Firms and other sectors.


The way the infrastructure is set within the practice, makes it be small enough to ensure private attention to all clients - but big enough to satisfactorily complete Projects of any size and complexity.


Projects: Housing, Retail Outlet, Hospital, Airport, Commercial (Offices, Stores, Factories, etc.), Infrastructure, Road. etc.