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Ελληνικά   |   Friday, 14 February 2025

Phini Women's Club

The Women's Club founded in 2017 by a group of active women, who join forces with a scope to promote Social Community Service. It is a non-profit organization with the name «Phini Women's Club». The headcounters of the Club is Phini Village with the contact address as No. 1 Holy Cross Street.



The relations between the members and the cultivation of mutual help and solidarity to provide help between the Club and the village.


Club task to improve of the educational and cultural level of the village, in cooperation with the Community Council:


  • Artistic events
  • Entertainment events
  • Charity events
  • Philanthropic events
  • Folk Traditions


Social and cultural events:

  • Organizes every year a celebration of Kaikanas (traditional sweet of the region) since 2017.
  • In collaboration with the «Theatro Geliou» it stages a theatrical performance (comedy) during summer time
  • Every Sunday Easter, the members of the club offer hot soup in the yard of the church of Timos Stavros after the end of the Easter ceremony.
  • Every Monday Easter we exchange greetings by chugging red eggs accompanied by flaouna, zivania and wine at the Ayioi Anargyroi chapel.
  • Organization of excursions (pilgrimages).
  • Every year from the day of its foundation, the memorial service of the benefactress of our village, Nina Saloumi, is held.
  • It actively participates in all memorials - events of our heroes.
  • It cooperates with all organized groups for everything that is organized in the village.


Every year the club prepares traditional «ppalouze» and «loukoumades», organizes bazaars, tombola and various events to strengthen its fund in order to offer at any time in whatever arises either for charity, helping people in need or in the maintenance of the chapels and everything else in the matter of financial assistance.


In order to strengthen relations between the women and to develop closer bonds of friendship and solidarity, every two months the members of the group get together for coffee, briefing, chatting and social gossip.


Today (2024) the group consists of 80 members.