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Benefactors - Donors

Theodotou Antonis and Evgenia

Antonis Theodotou and his wife Evgenia were honored as great benefactors



Antonis Theodotou, doctor, politician and mayor was born in Phini in 1859 and died in 1928. His father was Theodotos Hadjipanayiotou, the older brother of lawyer and politician Theophanis Theodou. Cousin of Aristodemos Phinieos and nephew of Archbishop Sofronios III.


He finished his studies in the Medical School of the University of Athens in 1887 and went to Paris for postgraduate studies (1887-1889). He worked as a doctor in Nicosia from 1889. He was President of the Cypriot Association in Nicosia (1891).


What is more, he was one of the founders of Nicosia Savings Bank. When in 1912 the Savings Bank was named “Bank of Cyprus”, he was assigned first president of the bank.


Antonis Theodotou also contributed to the development of Sports in Cyprus and he is considered one of its benefactors. Specifically, both his and Theophanis Theodotou’s initiative resulted to the establishment of “Pancypria” Gymnastics Association in 1894. It must be noted that in 1934, the stadium used by the Gymnastics Association was named “G.S.P Stadium Evgenias and Antoniou Theodotou” honoring its benefactors.


His work and contribution in the sector of education was of great importance. He was one of the founders and a great benefactor for the Pancyprian Gymnasium. A wing of the school building was named after him (Antonios Theodotou Wing).


What is more, he was ephor of the Greek Schools of Nicosia. (1893-1906, 1911-1917, 1924-1925,1925-1926).


He reconstructed the School of Saint Antonios in Nicosia with his wife in 1925, which was then renamed “School of Antonios and Evgenia Theodotou”.


The following year, Theodotou benefited his village by reconstructing the Primary School of Phini.



Evgenia Theodotou was born in Nicosia in 1864 and died in 1969. She was the daughter of Georgios Ioannides Moumtzis and niece of Colonel Constantinos Hadjioannou, the Eparch of Kiti Chrysnathos and of Themistoclis Theocharides. Evgenia Theodotou was the older sister of “the benefactor of the Greek Orphanage in Nicosia, Athena Constantinou Dianellou”.


Evgenia Theodotou reconstructed with her husband the School of Saint Antonios in Nicosia and the School in Phini as mentioned above. It must be noted that Evgenia never stopped to financially enforce both schools.


Her contribution was important as far as the Gymnastic Association “Pancypria” was concerned. Explicitly, she paid off the “immense debts of 2.400 Cyprus pounds”. What is more, she offered a big amount of money for the “betterment of sports facilities”.


In 1953, Evgenia Theodotou land worth almost 60.000 Cyprus pounds to Archbishop Makarios III, aiming to enforce the Orphanage in Nicosia. Two years later, in 1955, Evgenia gave all her property for “the foundation and conservation of the professional school and charity”. Her property was estimated to “250.000 Cyprus pounds and included estates in Nicosia and the villages of Lefka, Assia, Tympou, Platres and elsewhere”.


Undoubtedly, Evgenia Theodotou is one of the benefactors of our nation. To be more specific, in 1950, she offered her house for the Greek Consulate in Nicosia.


Evgenia theodotou was awarded with the following:

  1. Charity medal by the Church of Cyprus
  2. Medal by the Taxiarch of the Charity Batallion. This medal was given for the first time to Cyprus by the Greek government.
  3. Honorary member of the British Empire (M.B.E.),
  4. Honorary member of the Spiritual Sorority of Greek Women in Cyprus


Sources: Aristides L. Koudounaris, Cypriots Biographical Dictionary 1800-1920, Nicosia 2005  Great Cypriot Encyclopaedia, vol.6