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Ελληνικά   |   Friday, 14 February 2025


Welfare Community Council of Phini

Visiting hours are from 09:30 until 12:00 o'clock in the morning and from 15:30 until 18:00 in the afternoon.

 In the Phini village community, a Home for the Elderly has been operating since 1993, the services of which are initially housed in a privately owned two story building, donated by Nina Saloumis to the Phini Community Welfare Council. Today the Regional Home for the Elderly of Phini uses the premises of the Phini village Community Hall.


«We have created a space of life and energy, thus ensuring the necessary and essential Quality of Life to our elderly fellow human beings».

 Phini Community Welfare Council is now a voluntary organization, under the supervision of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare. Its Board of Directors consists of 7-11 members from all the organized groups of the community of Phini (Community Council, Church Committee, Association of Emigrants and other bodies) which is elected every two years. At the end of each financial year, our financial accounts are prepared and audited by an independent chartered accountant and an Annual Report is prepared and submitted to the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare for evaluation and audit.


The Community Welfare Council renovated the Community Hall of the Phini since autumn 2021, accommodates the Home for the Elderly for 24-hour care.



Initially our privately owned house was a two-story house, with double and single rooms for the convenience of its owners. The ground floor was used as a kitchen while the upper house was used exclusively for the accommodation of our elderly. The place was built with love for the elderly with spacious common areas, an inner yard, a living room along with a spacious restaurant and a balcony overlooking the main square of the Phini village. This allowed our residents to fill the hours of the day, participating in a variety of activities, feeling active and spending their time pleasantly and creatively.



On Thursday, July 30, 2020, a Press Conference was held on regarding the renovation of the Community Hall in order to be housed the Home for the Elderly.


On behalf of the late Minister of Labour, Welfare & Social Insurance Mrs. Zeta Emylianidou who attended the Press Conference, she offered the amount of €110,000 thousand euros funded by the Government through Ministry within the framework of the National Strategy for the Development of Mountain Communities, in cooperation with the Commissioner for the Development of Mountain Communities Mr. Kostas Hambiaouris and the President of Phini Community Counsil, Mr. Fylactis Eracleous.


Upon the completion of the renovation of building in the autumn of 2020, the «Home for the Elderly» will operate according to European standards and will fully meet the needs of the residents of the community of Phini of South Marathasa as well as the mountain resorts around the Troodos region.




Our staff consists of people selected according to strict criteria. The Team works closely with the Welfare Community Board and in addition to the required services, our caregivers accompany our guests in their activities. They work close to our seniors, with love and conscientiously offering them companionship, help, comfort and outlets for their particular issues and/or problems.



Our immediate priority is the hygiene and cleanliness of our seniors, their rooms and all the common areas of the building. Specifically, the care concerns the housing, feeding, medical care of our guests, their personal hygiene, recreation, spiritual and mental cultivation and their participation attending to the Church. In addition to the personal hygiene of our guests, our caregivers are also responsible for the proper intake and adherence to their medication and the washing of their clothes.



We have a kitchen in which our guests' meals are prepared daily. The feeding program provides for alternative menus according to the seasons and depending on the eating habits and/or special needs of each guest.




One of our obligations is to ensure the safety of the hosts and the staff. The building has a fire protection system, an alarm system and a closed circuit monitoring system, and we have an evacuation plan in place in case of danger.


Our vision

The ambition of Phini Community Welfare Council, is to create a place of life and energy. Our facilities and our staff ensure the quality of our services. We will always strive to achieve the obvious... quality care services for the people we love and who need us. What we nowadays call "Quality of Life" and which, unfortunately, it is all too easy for our elderly fellow human beings to be deprived of.




The various activities and events that are implemented from time to time by the Phini Community Welfare Council, aim to support the whole project as well as to enrich the services provided to our elderly. Activities such as these, as well as the inter-active contact of the elderly with their communities, their relatives and fellow residents, contribute to the improvement of their interpersonal relations, their personal development and help to improve their quality of life.


Medical Care

A specialist pathologist (Personal Physician of the Cyprus General Healthcare System) examines our residents every 15 days, providing medical care, issuing prescriptions for their medication.



  • Handicrafts
  • Gymnastics
  • Dance
  • Singing
  • Love March

Celebration of the «World Elderly Day» every year on October 1st, with a 2km walk from the «Home for the Elderly» to the chapel of Agioi Anargyroi of Phini.



The Home employs nurses, caregivers, and cleaners 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, offering better, quality life and longevity to our residents.



  • Birthdays and name days of residents
  • Women's, Mother's and Father's Day
  • Easter/Christmas
  • Various excursions, to monasteries, etc.
  • Attending Church Services