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Ελληνικά   |   Friday, 14 February 2025

Youth Centre of Phini

The Youth Centre of Phini was established on the 20th of December 1986 after an initiative of the village's youths and with the aid of the -then - Village Authority and the Welfare Bureau.



Pioneers of this effort were Leonidas Leonidou, who was also the first president of the Youth Centre, Andreas Charalambides, Michalakis Charilaou, Nicos Nicolaou, and Pantelis Economou.


The purpose of establishing the Youth Centre was -and is -the tightening of bonds between the community's youths, healthy pastime, sports activities, and the cultivation/utilisation of the talents and abilities of the young.


The Youth Centre of Phini was originally housed in the old building for the "housekeeping" classes and had many problems to deal with, including the financial issue and that of housing. The building in which the Centre was housed could not correspond to the need and demands of the Centre's members. With the passage of time and through the superhuman effort by the members of the Centre, the problems were overcome and the building of the old market was granted to the Youth Centre in 1989; with the financial assistance of the Village Authority, the Welfare department, and the Emigrants' Association of Phini the building is renovated. In 1990 the Youth Centre transfers to its new building.


Today the Youth Centre has a soccer department, a Cultural Club, which organises various activities/events in collaboration with the local authorities, and a Dance Club that deals with the learning of Greek and Cypriot dances, participating in various events.


The Youth Centre, within the context of its activities, organises blood donations, tree-planting, general community cleaning, honours the national anniversaries, puts on theatrical performances, and organises Christmas, Easter, and carnival celebrations.