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Ελληνικά   |   Friday, 14 February 2025

Emigrant and Friends Association of Phini

The Phini Association of emigrants and friends (ΣΑΦΦ), founded in 1984 with headquarters in Nicosia. The tightening of relations between the emigrands, but also residents of the Phini village community, the conservation and enhancement of the cultural heritage of the community, the preservation and dissemination of morals and customs, the social contribution and utility projects and to promote the development in the village are the main objectives of the establishment, until today.


First president of the Association was Michalakis Christodoulou (1984-1987). This was followed by Andreas Kyriakides (1987-1989). After one year, by Michalakis Christodoulou and then Harris Aristodemou (1990-1992). Immediately afterwards, for ten years chairman of the Association, was Chloe Alexandrou (1992-2002), which was succeeded by Pantelis Economou for the period (2002-2010). For the period (2010-2015) Mrs. Elena Charalambous was the president of Phini Association of emigrants and friends (ΣΑΦΦ). For the perios (2015-2019) Dr. Andreas Damianou Roumbas was the president of the association


Today the president of the Association is Mrs Maria Thrasyvoulou Chambouri.


Upon founded till today the Association offered a lot in many ways. Always in cooperation with the relevant Community Council of the village, and all organized bodies such as (Welfare Community Council, the village Youth Center, Parents Association, Hunting Club and of course the COOP Bank of Limassol Hill resorts).


Some of the major projects are as follows:

  • Configuration Heroes' Square of the Phoenix (City-Efstathios Herodotus Xenophon)
  • Foundation of the Welfare Community Council 
  • Paving of the yard of the Holy Cross village church 
  • Creation of the park Stelios Pericleouss (missing person 1974) 
  • Construction of a permanent events platform at the court of primary school. 
  • Restoration of the medieval Bridge Piskopi
  • Every summer, the Association organizes the annual dance. The dance is the biggest event of the year since brings to the village, lots of emigrants from all over Cyprus, even from abroad. The dance also is the main source of financial support of the Association.

Formerly the summer events, lasted 3-4 days. Therefore, apart from the dance were cultural events-representations, to show the Village traditional arts in making pottery, the manufacture of chairs and the preparation of well known Phini Delights.


Over the last decade, the Limassol District Administration and the community councils of the Limassol Hill Resorts, organize a Cultural Month, which takes place in July. All summer events are transferred to the Cultural Month.


The Emigrants Association when founded, started a newspaper called “Phiniotika Nea”, providing news directly related to the Village Citizens, with articles, reviews, photos, announcements and advertisements.



On Sunday 27th of October 2024 following a General Meeting the new Administrative Council of the Association is as follows:



Maria Thrasyvoulou Chambouri


Irena Alexandrou


Panayiotis Kyrou


Ioannis Soteriou

Assistant Cachier

Savvas Savva


Andreas Michael

Xenia Lambrou

Marios Papaphylaktou

Constantinos Constantinou

Antonis Vapheas

Themis Spanou

Efrem Christou

Aristotelis Evangelou